MAWS 2020 Annual Meeting and Winter Conference CANCELLED

After careful consideration and discussion with the Executive Committee, we have decided to postpone the 2020 winter conference annual meeting. We are sorry for the change, but we feel it is the best and safest decision given the evolving situation with coronavirus. We are hopeful that after a few months, things will have settled, and we may be able reschedule the meeting. We are tentatively looking at July/August as a possible timeframe for the meeting, and we will keep you posted as things develop. But for now, there will be no annual meeting held on 3/19/2020.

If you have already paid for the meeting, we are planning to hold that payment until we are able reschedule. If rescheduling is not possible, we will fully refund your conference attendance fee. If you would like to have your payment refunded immediately, please contact

We’re sorry that we have to take this step, but it seems like the most prudent decision for our members, for the organization, and for our families and communities.