MAWS Meetings in 2021

Happy New Year!

The MAWS Executive Committee (EC) is looking ahead to 2021 and planning for upcoming meetings and events. In particular, we typically host our annual conference in the late winter/early spring, but due to COVID-19, it looks like a traditional meeting won’t be possible. Due to the uncertainty and time it takes to plan this meeting, it will be held virtually using Zoom. The meeting will be shorter than the typical annual meeting, of course (no one wants an all-day Zoom meeting), probably around 3 hours, and will likely include regulatory updates, interesting wetland-related content, and the business meeting. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th, so mark your calendars. More details are forthcoming!

In addition, we are planning to offer a few 1-hour webinars throughout the winter on a variety of topics. We are still working out the details of these as well, but hope to provide a few more opportunities so members can obtain contact hours for the various certifications they hold.

 The EC is planning on the annual meeting and any other webinars being free to MAWS members (likely a small fee for non-members). The annual meeting is generally our largest source of income for the year. With that in mind, we are asking for donations to help us defray the cost of a Zoom webinar subscription to host these meetings, as well as supporting all the work that it takes to organize these and future meetings. Any and all donations will be accepted and appreciated, but a Corporate Sponsor donation of $100 will get your company logo mentioned and displayed at the beginning of all virtual events. You can use the “Donate” button below or on the sidebar of the MAWS homepage. We sincerely appreciate your support as we continue to adjust and try new ways of connecting with the organization and support wetland science in Maine.
